August 19, 2021 – Azle, Texas, USA. CAD-MANUFACTURING SOLUTIONS, INC. (AKA CMS) announces the release of the new CMS IntelliCAD 10.1 PE & PE Plus CAD software.
CMS IntelliCAD® 10.1 CAD Software is a major milestone release providing new features and improvements.
IntelliCAD 10.1 is up to seven times faster when selecting entities and two times faster for grip editing, grip displaying, entity snapping, and drawing regenerating.
New features include the ability to insert and work with geographic maps, restore default program settings from the operating system Start menu. Plus, create and edit tables and table styles, create and edit sheet sets, insert dynamic blocks, import .pdf files with more advanced options, import point data from .csv and .txt files, and import map files (.shp, .sdf, .sqlite files). Also included is integration with 3Dconnexion input devices for streamlining the CAD drawing experience. New CMS IntelliCAD software and 3Dconnexion device driver now deliver quick configurable tools at mouse pointer.
More features that have a big efficiency boost for end users are smooth view transitions, entity cloning, dimension breaking, quick groups, advanced grips for blocks and groups, the Layer Previous command, the ability to turn off entity movement when clicking and dragging the mouse, and the ability to restore a layer state to the current viewport, all viewports, all layouts and viewports, or the Model tab. Additionally, the new Rectangular Array, Polar Array, Path Array, and Edit Array commands provide more functionality for arraying entities than in previous releases.
All CMS IntelliCAD versions work with BIM files and they can import BIM .rvt 2021 files, specify AEC drawing units, convert an existing entity to a beam path, and determine the smoothness (level of detail) of curves in BIM underlays created from .rvt files.
Vitor Neves, CMS , INC. President stated “CMS IntelliCAD 10.1 results purely from development determination to achieve better product performance, reliability and specific productive tools requested by end users.”
Other improvements and fixes are found in performance, working with files, editing and selecting entities, text, printing, and more.
CMS IntelliCAD 10.1 licenses are available as Perpetual Standalone seats, USB dongle seats, Network floating seats or Renewable Subscriptions.
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