Way more than text data handling! QuoteCAD Manufacturing graphical data and document integration is able to link 2D or 3D CAD or images data with products allowing you to get immediate thumbnail preview of such information at any stage of your QuoteCAD work tasks. Additionally, products and parts can also be linked to additional documentation including additional CAD drawings, datasheets or instructions using any data file format.

CAD & Image Explorer
QuoteCAD Manufacturing features a CAD & images document explorer from where you are able to browse for such files and structurally store them at QuoteCAD. Separately, additional documentation can also be linked to products or parts using a simplified version control method.
Open CAD, images or any linked files directly using the QuoteCAD open feature to run the file associated Windows application.

CAD Support
Products can be linked to 2D drawings and 3D CAD models data. QuoteCAD supports the major CAD file extensions like DWG, SolidWorks *.SLDPRT and *.SLDASM, Autodesk Inventor *.IPT and *.IAM, plus SolidEdge *.PRT, *ASM and Alibre Design *.AD_PRT, *.AD_SMP and *.AD_ASM